New G.P. Patient Referrals in December! (NHS)

For the month of December ONLY I will be taking on new G.P. Patient Referrals for the NHS.
What does this mean?
If you think you are in need of Clinical Hypnotherapy, but are unable to afford the fees as a private patient, then you can make an appointment with your G.P. and speak to him/her about being referred to me for Clinical Hypnotherapy.

As a fully certified & registered Clinical Hypnotherapist for the NHS, and fully CNHC registered for the NHS, & the National Healthcare Council, (CNHC), G.P.s are able to send patient referrals to me for Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions.
Your G.P. only needs to write to me or send me an email, confirming that you have been referred to me, and on what grounds.
You will then be placed on a short waiting list, and will only be required to pay the minimum concessionary fee as approved by the NHS.

Find me on the CNHC website;

What does the NHS say?

Please feel free to get in touch, speak to your G.P., and email me today.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
07487 524996

Please Note;
Concessionary Rates are still available for victims of the Manchester & London terror attacks.
Thank you,