I am a certified and fully-qualified Reiki Master, and have been practising Reiki for over 20 years. Appointments available at your home or office in Paris and Hauts-de-Seine (92).
What is Reiki?
Rei-Ki, (pronounced Ray-key) is a system of natural healing involving the laying on of hands. It is believed that this alternative medicine was first used by Tibetan Buddhist monks thousands of years ago, and was then developed in the 1920s by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. The Usui system of Reiki is a very simple yet powerful healing technique that can be received by anyone.
The actual words 'Rei' and 'Ki' are thought to originate from 'Raku-Kei', and are from the Japanese language. Raku is the vertical energy flow, and Ki is the horizontal energy flow through the body. Raku-Kei is the art and science of self-improvement used by ancient Tibetan Lamas dating back thousands of years.
Ki or Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit, and Mana in Hawaiian, is the vital Life Force that flows through all living things. It has been identified by all cultures and consequently has a variety of names. Ki surrounds and animates all life and is the primary source of our thoughts, emotions and spiritual existence.

Mikao Usui 1865-1926

What can Reiki be used for?
Heart disease
Chronic pain/Fibromyalgia
Neurodegenerative disorders
Autism/developmental delays
Crohn’s Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Traumatic brain injury
Emotional illness, including mild psychosis
Fatigue syndromes
Vascular Disorders
Sleep Disorders
Eating Disorders
Multiple Sclerosis
Allergy/Sinus Conditions
Pre and Post Surgery
End-of-life care and bereavement

Why should I have a Reiki treatment?
People use Reiki to relax and strengthen their wellbeing; reduce pain, anxiety, and fatigue; help manage symptoms; reduce side effects of medications; and support recovery after injuries, surgery, or during a serious illness.
Reiki is a good integrative therapy to try because people generally start feeling better very quickly with Reiki. As anxiety and pain lessen, people feel hopeful about regaining or improving their health, and are often able to make positive lifestyle changes. Reiki therapy often clears the mind, enabling people to better evaluate their situations.
Reiki can be received from a healthcare provider, or a Reiki professional.
Today, Reiki is commonly being used in three areas, by:
The lay public at home, for themselves, family and friends.
Reiki professionals offering therapy in their offices or other wellness and healthcare settings.
Nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists, dentists, massage therapists, and chiropractors who integrate Reiki into healthcare during office visits or in-patient care in clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, and other healthcare facilities.

Why is Reiki good for me?
A holistic perspective sees health as a dynamic state of balance with considerable resilience in the overall system. A healthy person can withstand a certain amount of stress and bounce back. This is because the human body's ability to heal includes various self-regulating mechanisms that maintain overall balance, which is known as homeostasis.
However, after experiencing sudden, intense stress or moderate stress that is constant over a period of time, the body's ability to regulate itself becomes compromised and health declines, slowly or not so slowly. Stress causes the body to lose its ability to rebalance, to restore homeostasis.
Unless they are addressed, the stresses of everyday life - environmental, emotional, physical, financial, social etc. - can combine with an individual's genetic predispositions and result in declining health and wellbeing.
At the simplest, most obvious level, Reiki treatment helps lessen the impact of stress, releasing tension from the entire system. Not only does the person move toward his or her own unique balance in body, mind and spirit, but also, depending on the level of physical health when Reiki begins, the body's own healing mechanisms often begin functioning more effectively.

How does Reiki work?
How exactly does Reiki release tension and help the body heal?
There is now an ever-increasing and overwhelming body of research evidence documenting the positive effects and health benefits of Reiki (such as lowered heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones; increased immune strength). We have several broad theories as to what causes these effects or the pathways through which the healing occurs.
The multileveled, rapid response to Reiki suggests a complex process that engages many body systems, simultaneously or in quick succession, shifting the body from domination by the "fight or flight" (stress) response to the relaxation response, and supporting the body's own healing mechanisms.
Some researchers theorise that Reiki's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing effect is triggered on a subphysical level, perhaps in what science refers to as the biofield.
What is the biofield?
The biofield is the term medical science has adopted for the intricately layered vibrational energy field that is said to surround and penetrate the physical body. The biofield is extremely subtle and there is as yet no conventional scientific technology that can document its existence or otherwise study it directly. However, for thousands of years, traditional, indigenous, prescientific medical systems have recognised a balanced, evenly pulsing biofield as the foundation of health and wellbeing, and seen any disruption of this balance as the beginning of illness.
Reiki's benefits occur through the same vibrational mechanism, a process which likely involves increasing coherence and decreasing dissonance in the system.

One theory is that the Reiki practitioner's hands carry the energetic vibrations of the recipient's wellness. The effect of Reiki could be seen as a shift in attention in which the recipient becomes aware of the wellness that exists deep within his or her being regardless of the current level of health. Reiki could then be understood as entraining the recipient back to health in a process similar to the way grandfather clocks in the same room self-adjust to the rhythm of the dominant clock, or in the way we relax when in the presence of someone who is deeply peaceful.
Reiki seems to connect the practitioner with an inner source of peace no matter how he or she feels in the moment.
Many therapies aim to restore balance in the biofield - acupuncture, qigong, shiatsu, and yoga/pranayama to name a few. Reiki appears to be the subtlest of these therapies, balancing the recipient through subtle Reiki vibrations rather than through manipulation or even the gentlest force. It is also possible that Reiki, which some practitioners consider more akin to meditation than to energy therapies, does not originate in the biofield, but rather arises from an even subtler source: what physicists have termed the unified field.

Benefits of Reiki
In order for physicians and other healthcare practitioners to recommend a treatment or healing practice to patients, they need evidence that it is safe, beneficial, and effective.
The USA's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has completed five studies looking at Reiki's ability to benefit people with diabetes, advanced AIDS, prostate cancer, fibromyalgia, and stress.
To date, the primary outcomes studied in Reiki research have used measures for pain, anxiety, and stress, including heart rate, blood pressure, salivary cortisol, as well as measures for job burnout and caring efficacy. More specific measures have been used to evaluate outcomes for stroke rehabilitation, depression, and other chronic health conditions.
Further published studies have looked at the effect of Reiki on measures of stress hormones, blood pressure, heart rate, and immune responsiveness, and on subjective reports of anxiety, pain and depression. The studies support the ability of Reiki to reduce anxiety and pain, and suggest its usefulness to induce relaxation, improve fatigue and depressive symptoms, and strengthen overall wellbeing. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews contains a review on the use of Reiki for pain and a protocol for use of Reiki for psychological symptoms.
Reiki has been increasingly offered as part of workplace wellness programs to address burnout and improve skills in healthcare and other industries, as well as in university wellness centres.

Reiki at Paris St. Cloud
What can I expect during my Reiki session?
A complete Reiki session is offered to a fully clothed recipient who is lying on a treatment table or sitting comfortably supported in a chair. Gentle relaxation music is optional.
Reiki is offered through light, non-invasive touch with the practitioner's hands placed and held on a series of locations on the head and front and back of the torso. The placement of the hands is non-intrusive and there is no pressure applied.
Additional placements on the limbs can be done as needed (for example, if there is an injury or surgical scar). The Reiki practitioner holds her hands just off the body if needed (for example, in the presence of an open wound or burn).

Group Reiki Retreats available
What can I expect after my Reiki session?
"I feel very refreshed and seem to be thinking more clearly."
"I think I fell asleep."
"I can't believe how hot your hands got!"
"I feel more relaxed than even after a massage."
"My headache is gone."
These are some of things people typically say after a Reiki session.
The most common experience is an almost immediate release of stress and a feeling of deep relaxation.
Reiki is cumulative and even people who don't notice much the first time usually have progressively deeper experiences if they continue. Besides the immediate experience of the Reiki, you may notice other changes that continue to unfold as the day goes on: perhaps stronger digestion, a sense of being more centred and poised and less reactive, and sleeping deeply that night.
Why not kick back, unwind and put your feet up...
Enjoy the soothing sounds of Reiki Healing music.
Take time out for yourself today.
Simply sit or lie down, relax, listen to the Reiki sounds, watch the calming video images, or even close your eyes and go deep...
Please get in touch with your enquiries and questions, or to book an appointment.
Please complete the enquiry form below, or email me at info@paris-st-cloud.com.
I am always here and happy to help.