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5 Fear Factors - Why we are scared of hypnotherapy!

Why we are scared of hypnotherapy - myths, stage hypnotists, & old wives' tales.

I recently went on a trip to Scotland staying with friends near Loch Lomond. Meeting a neighbour, she enquired into my profession. When I announced that I was a clinical hypnotherapist, she immediately recoiled, squirmed and cringed. You may have thought I had told her I was a murderer, or an evil scientist by trade. She then went onto say that even though she had heard how powerful and effective hypnotherapy can be for all manner of issues, ills, and ailments,it was a fear of the unknown, and the mysteriousness of hypnotherapy which led her to be 'afraid' of this 'thing' forever shrouded in mystery.

And so this conversation led to an interesting discussion with friends - who also said that they felt exactly the same. They explained that it was only through knowing me, and from previous chats we had had on the topic, that even my friends, people who otherwise shared similar world beliefs and views, that had led them to come to understand, appreciate, and even embrace these 'mysterious' phenomenon; Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy.

So why do we fear hypnotherapy?

And how can it be explained so that people can get passed the stereotypical viewpoints, and really get to understand, and thus benefit from this powerful treatment.

Here are the top 5 fear factors unravelled and explained;

1. Fear of the unknown...

Most of us fear what we don't know, and hypnotherapy is no exception. But in fact hypnosis and hypnotherapy are things not to be feared but instead to be appreciated and embraced. Being hypnotised, and being in a trance is simply being in a deeply relaxed state. All of us experience altered states and trance-like states every day of our lives. For example, when you relax infront of the TV, when driving a car on auto-pilot, and just before you fall asleep at night.

Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to guide people into a deeply relaxed state.

The therapeutic work carried out in this deeply relaxed state is called hypnotherapy.

When we are relaxed we are more conducive to heal & change - Fact!

2. Stage hypnotists and dancing like a chicken!!

Stage artists have really given hypnosis a bad name in the sense that people now associate this form of entertainment with hypnotherapy. Please know that these two things could not be more different. Of course there is nothing wrong with or harmful about stage hypnosis. It is simply entertainment! Like hypnotherapy, it is completely safe. However, it has a time and a place. And it is not the form which hypnotherapy takes. Hypnotherapy is used to relax people so that they can then heal, change, and transform their own lives using the power of their own subconscious mind.

3. Relaxation, sleep, or being controlled?

Most people think that when they are hypnotised they will feel uncomfortable, everything will be out of their control, they will be told what to do/think/feel, and they may be fast asleep - WRONG!!

None of these are correct.

In fact, you will feel completely relaxed at all times, (most people are disappointed when they are brought out of a trance as they enjoyed it that much, feeling so relaxed, that they want to stay there longer!!).

You are always in control. You can never be told what to do. Your subconscious mind always knows what is best for you, and so therefore will only allow you to do the things which are in your best interests.

Our subconscious mind accounts for 90% of our entire mind,and is our most powerful asset. Sadly it is the human being's most under-used resource!!

Hypnotherapy helps you tap into this powerful resource.

You will be awake at all times during a hypnotherapy session, and you will hear all what your hypnotherapist is saying, even though you may not consciously be aware of their voice or what they are saying the whole time. Your subconscious mind will have heard everything it needs to hear!

You may feel that you are drifting in and out of sleep, but at all times you will be awake and in control.

And you can bring yourself fully out of a trance at any time.

You are in control!

Hypnosis simply guides you into a deeply relaxed state where you can fully change and transform your life.

4. Simplicity - How can something so simple be so life-changing?

Many people are amazed at the simplicity yet effectiveness of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Have a look at the research findings below which compare the effectiveness of hypnosis & hypnotherapy with other types of therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Psychoanalysis Therapy.

Hypnotherapy is by far the leading therapy for fast, effective and lasting results.

Its simplicity and ease of treatment means that clients & patients alike often only need one session for a long-standing issue or illness to be fully resolved and healed.

5. Disbelief - In awe of its success!

Is hypnotherapy simply too good to be true?

Well, seeing is believing... and I can honestly say that I have seen people come to me with issues, problems and illness that have plagued them for decades and after one hypnotherapy session their lives have completely changed!

Ill-health, insomnia, obesity, panic attacks, anxiety, stress, addictions, fears, phobias, to name a few have all dropped away, as if vanishing into thin air.

Clients have walked away with a fresh sense of purpose, with a renewed vigour, a boost in confidence, and a deepened motivation for life and living!

Of course you may have more fear factors, and other reasons why you are too afraid at this moment in time to consult a hypnotherapist to;

Help you to lose weight, stop smoking, treat anxiety/stress/panic attacks, gain confidence / self-esteem, relax, get a promotion, treat ill-health, to improve your sleep pattern, to remove a fear or phobia, or to change & transform your life,(to name a few)...

And so I am always happy to have a chat with you and to put your mind at ease.

If you have any queries, or any unanswered questions, I am here to help.

So please feel free to get in touch.

You can email me anytime at;

Thank you,

Have a great day!


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